How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

PowerPhrases (cont.):
162, 169–170, 191, 199–
defined, 13
expectations and, 209–210
in gaining respect, 220–221
gender and, 193–203
goals of, 14–15, 56, 74, 85–87,
119–120, 124–131, 134–
135, 141–145, 151–152,
159–160, 168–169, 178–
181, 190, 198–199
in handling disagreements,
to perfect the connection, 81–
in performance reviews, 219–
personal note about, 75–77
specificity in, 14, 48–54, 84–
85, 92–93, 101–102, 109,
118–119, 126, 133–134,
140–141, 158–159, 167–
168, 177–178, 188–190,
success stories in using, 219–
as targeted, 14–15, 55–60, 85–
87, 94–95, 102–104
tips for using, 207–213
tone in, 12–13, 15, 16, 89,
106, 113–115, 122–123,
130–131, 137, 162–163,
183–184, 191–192, 202–
truth of, 61–65
use of, 3–4
PowerPhrases Final Exam, 224–
Power Tips(Larsen), 59
Preciseness in details, 48–54
Priorities, keeping straight, 59–60

Problem, taking ownership of,
Process, updating people on, 5, 8–
Profanity, 52
Prophecy, 90
Purposefulness, conveying, 44
Put-downs, 3, 148–155, 159
brevity of response to, 150–151
goals of response to, 151–152
specificity of response to, 151
Qualifier Respect-Robbing Poison
Phrases, 19–20
Qualifiers, 98
avoiding, 94, 95
asking with PowerPhrases, 138–
clarifying, 128
closed-end, 144
disguising opinions as, 199–201
hidden agenda in, 145
open ended, 86–87, 144
problem of multiple tied to-
gether, 139–140
set-up, 146–147
Reasons, giving brief, to support
your opinions, 92–93
Refusals, 116–123
Regret in saying no, 122–123
Rejection, 130, 171
Repetition, 213
Requests, 107–115
brevity in making, 108–109
clarity in making, 111–113
considering the listener in mak-
ing, 113–115
getting results with, 110–111
saying no to, 119
specificity in making, 109

246 Index

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