How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Do You Suffer from “PowerPhrase Deficiency”? 37

  1. You were expecting other members of your team to attend a
    sales meeting with you and just discovered that no one else planned
    to go. You do not want to handle the meeting alone and want sup-
    port. What would you say?

A) “I can’t count on ANYONE here! I don’t care what
you have planned—you need to come to this meet-
B) “Gee, I really don’t want to go to this meeting alone.”
C) “My understanding is that I would have support at
this meeting. This meeting is a priority. Please come
with me.”

  1. A customer has a legitimate complaint, but her way of
    communication is offensive. She calls you a name. What would you

A) “Shut up!”
B) An apology or you say nothing.
C) “I care very much about this situation and when you
speak to me this way, I find it difficult to focus on a

  1. A coworker says something in a sarcastic tone. What would
    you say?

A) “Whatever” in a sarcastic tone.
B) Nothing.
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