How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Secret #1: It’s What You Don’t Say 47

Forgive your enemies, but remember their names.
I’ll be back.

What if instead of,

I’ll be back.

Arnold Schwarzenegger had said,

I need to go take care of a few errands—pick up some gro-
ceries—put gas in the motorcycle—visit some old enemies—
might take a quick nap—but listen, I should be back
later—maybe a couple of hours or so, okay?

Don’t just be brief when you’re talking. Shave your memoes,
your e-mails, and your other written communications. Do you
ever have people call, asking questions regarding information
that was clearly stated in a memo or an e-mail? I bet the mes-
sage got lost in too many words.
I will now summarize this point in two words: Be brief.

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