How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

52 The Six Secrets of PowerPhrases

And rather than say,

I hope you consider working on this project.


I want you on this project with me! Your experience in
process analysis is vital and nobody understands root
cause like you.

And while we’re on the “don’t say”s, don’t say anything
that is considered profanity. Profanity and slang are not Power-
Phrases. They are nonspecific. Their literal meaning is not
what you intend at all. When you say a profane form of “for-
get you” is that what you literally mean? Any time you use a
word that carries less of the meaning of your message, you
weaken the message, even if you increase shock value. You also
weaken the respect others have for you, because profanity is

Managers: Be specific in job requirements. I often ask my
groups at seminars, “How many of you have a job description?”
Usually about two-thirds of the group raise their hands. Then
I ask, “How many of you have a job description that looks
much like what you actually do?” Usually I have one or two
hands stay up out of a room of forty or more. Don’t make
employees guess what their job is. Be specific.
Avoid telling employees

You are to handle administrative chores.
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