How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1


Secret #3: Pick Winning

Words That Work

PowerPhrases Are Targeted


All the success experts talk about it. Stephen Covey calls it
“beginning with the end in mind.” Lesa Heebner calls it “the
Recipe for Clarity.”™ Marianne Williamson calls it “Visual-
ization.” Whatever it’s called, you hear it from everyone who
tells you how to get what you want in life. Think of what out-
come you want, and ask yourself what path of action will get
you there. What could be simpler?
Well, herding cats could be simpler. Getting an election
recount in Florida could be simpler. Getting your teenager to
call could be simpler. But don’t let that stop you. You may pre-
fer to start talking and think later, but you won’t get where you
want to go if you don’t know where you want to go. You must
decide what results you want.
I was at a meeting of speakers before a conference when one
speaker asked the meeting planner,

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