How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

60 The Six Secrets of PowerPhrases

but Miles decided the relationship was more important and
spoke accordingly.
Before you speak, examine your words for the likely result.
Saying what you mean is only a part of speaking in Power-
Phrases. Being right isn’t enough. Being effective is more impor-
tant. The questions you ask yourself depend on your goal.
Other questions might be

  • Will this remark increase their respect of me or
    lessen it?

  • Will these words move us toward resolution or
    away from it?

  • IfI say this, will it increase the chances ofme get-
    ting what I want or decrease it?

Say what you mean when you speak, but choose the words to
say it that result in a positive outcome. If what you are doing
isn’t working, change your approach! You might think your
approach should work—but if it doesn’t, give it up!
Before you speak, ask yourself what your thoughts are, what
your goals are, what your chances of success are, and what
results you might be better off pursuing.

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