How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

It Seems Like I’ve Known You Forever! 85

was the unique nature of it that made it both satisfying and
I was specific when I asked a banquets worker,

You look full of joy. What’s your secret?

I had observed him and based my conversation on what I
noticed. He was delighted to tell me why he was so happy. Pay
attention to people. The key to getting the conversation going
could be right in front of your eyes.
Many people wear T-shirts with the company logo these
days. What can you say about that? Is the person across from
you holding a book? What is it? What would you like to know
about it?
Pay attention to your thoughts. The key to getting a con-
versation going could be hidden in those thoughts. When you
share your thoughts, you open the conversation up. If you notice
yourself wondering if the person standing next to you knows
what the stock market did that day, ask them! You don’t have to
limit your small talk to a generic discussion of the weather.

PowerPhrases to Perfect the

Connection Are Targeted

Ask yourself what your goals are before you go to an event
where you will be connecting with people. Make sure your
phrases meet your goals. Are you there to have fun? Pick sub-
jects you enjoy talking about.

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