How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

88 PowerPhrases in Action

if that’s what comes to mind, or

I love that flocked Christmas tree. It reminds me of one
I had as a child.

if that’s what you would say if you already knew them.
In my first phone conversation with my editor at McGraw-
Hill, we dropped the barriers and were playful with each other
from the very beginning. It was after 5:00 p.m. his time on a
Friday, and I asked if he always worked that late or if he was
waiting for my call. He said,

I stayed later tonight because I had a hot new author to
talk to.

The flattery wasn’t wasted on me, but the playfulness is what
made me think “I want to work with this man.” I had a flavor
of what he was like and what it would be like to work with him
within minutes of starting the conversation because he didn’t
wear his “stranger” mask. Act at ease with people you don’t
know, even if you’re not. Be yourself and look for hints about
what to say in your own thought processes.
The formula is simple: Ask yourself what you would say if
you already knew this person. Review what you think, feel, and
want. Then ask yourself if expressing any of that will achieve
your goals.

PowerPhrases to Perfect the

Connection Mean What You Say

Often when people are making new acquaintances, there is a
tendency to want to look good and to say whatever you believe

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