How to Use Power Phrases

(Grace) #1

Make Your Opinion Matter 91

not only ignored her warnings, but also she was fired when she
persisted. On the first day of operation, the system collapsed,
taking the ceiling with it. Temple knew this would happen, but
no one believed her. That made her knowledge useless. Do you
ever feel like Temple?
I’ve often wondered how the Research and Development
people at IBM felt when they developed graphic interfaces and
the mouse yet couldn’t convince management to produce it. Not
only that, they were ordered to hand their invention over to
Steve Jobs at Apple computers. Do you know what Steve’s net
worth is today? $1.4 billion.
Being right isn’t enough! Knowing what you are talking
about isn’t enough. You also must know how to communicate
your thoughts.
To make your opinion matter, you need to say what you
think in PowerPhrases! Short, specific, targeted expressions that
say what you mean and mean what you say, without being mean
when you say them.

PowerPhrases to Say What You Think

Are Short

Do not give the entire history of thought behind your opinions.
Rather than saying,

This is the best proposal because of the following 47 reasons,
which I will now elaborate in excruciating detail based on
my analysis of Plato, Aristotle, moving forward to John


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