The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

(Grace) #1

“Keep at it,” Vanger said. “Finish the job.”

“It’s pointless.”

“Maybe so. But don’t give up.”

Blomkvist sighed.

“The telephone numbers,” he said at last.


“They have to mean something.”

“I agree.”

“They were written down for some purpose.”


“But we can’t interpret them.”


“Or else we’re interpreting them wrong.”


“They’re not telephone numbers. They mean something.”

“Maybe so.”

Mikael sighed again and went home to continue reading.

Advokat Bjurman was relieved when Salander called again and explained that she
needed more money. She had postponed their most recent scheduled meeting
with the excuse that she had to work, and a vague sense of uneasiness gnawed at
him. Was she going to turn into an unmanageable problem child? But since she
had missed the meeting, she had no allowance, and sooner or later she would be

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