Destiny Disrupted
156 DESTINY DISRUPTED in my army? When I motion for all those who are dispersed to come to- gether, I will deal first with Iran ...
HAVOC 157 David won again. (Incidentally, the Muslims used a new type of weapon in this battle: the hand cannon, or as we now ca ...
158 DESTINY DISRUPTED power to do so than I. Let us rob them together! But-if you commit ex- tortion against the peasants, take ...
10 ~ Rebirth 661-1008 AH 1263-1600 CE T HE MONGOL HOLOCAUST wasn't like the Dark Ages of Europe. It didn't set in slowly and lif ...
160 DESTINY DISRUPTED Some admiration has even accrued to Genghis Khan and his immedi- ate successors based on the fact that the ...
REBIRTH 161 cess proved its revelations true. Well, if victory meant the revelations were true, what did defeat mean? Muslims ha ...
162 DESTINY DISRUPTED he proposed, lay with Muslims: they had stopped practicing "true" Islam, and God therefore had made them w ...
REBIRTH 163 promoted division by interpreting the Qur'an and hadith in ways that de- parted from what the texts literally stated ...
164 DESTINY DISRUPTED actual points disputed will strike non-Muslims as minutely technical: for example, was a divorce uttered t ...
REBIRTH 165 Salafism, and this was the efflorescence of Sufism, which was as broad- minded and undogmatic as Ibn Taymiyah's ideo ...
166 DESTINY DISRUPTED Yet Sufi brotherhoods also differed in crucial ways from monastic or- ders. For one thing, every monastic ...
REBIRTH 167 victim's sons brought this young man before Khalifa Omar. The traveler admitted his deed. Extenuating circumstances ...
168 DESTINY DISRUPTED Many proponents of Sufi chivalry traced their lineage back to Ali, not necessarily because they were Shi'i ...
REBIRTH 169 tine more or less controlled the western parts, but only more or less; and no claim went undisputed by the other. As ...
170 DESTINY DISRUPTED Then there were the Mevlevi dervishes, darlings of the intellectuals and cognoscenti. They sprang up aroun ...
REBIRTH 171 swers his own question: because the flute started out as a reed, growing by the river bank, rooted in soil. When it ...
172 DESTINY DISRUPTED and his little state an emirate. ''Amir" was an Islamic title that had once meant "commander" but now mean ...
REBIRTH 173 The Ottomans profited from the single most crucial bit of luck that makes the difference between success and failure ...
174 DESTINY DISRUPTED own feudal lieges had called Timur into Anatolia. They resented having lost sovereignty to the Ottomans, a ...
REBIRTH 175 stantinople was more of a psychological prize: the city had immense sym- bolic significance for both east and west. ...
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