Praise for
"If you want to put today's headlines about jihadist suicide
bombings into the much larger context of history, you'd be well
advised to settle in with Destiny Disrupted. It's the story of a
civilization that suddenly found itself upended by strangers and
now wants to put itself right. And if author Ansary stops short of
calling the result a clash of civilizations, he feels free to call it two
one-sided views of world history. His book is a valuable tool for
opening up a view of the other side."
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
"This is a marvelous book. Ansary has written an indispensable
historical account of the last 1,500 years from a perspective that
is all too often ignored in the West. Destiny Disrupted will be
read for generations to come."
-REZA AsLAN, author of No god but God
and How to Win a Cosmic ~r
"A must-read for anyone who wants to learn more about the history
of the Islamic world. But the book is more than just a litany of past
events. It is also an indispensable guide to understanding the politi-
cal debates and conflicts of today, from 9/11 to the wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan, from the Somali pirates to the Palestinian/Israeli
conflict. As Ansary writes in his conclusion, 'The conflict wracking
the modern world is not, I think, best understood as a clash of
civilizations ... It's better understood as the friction generated by
two mismatched world histories intersecting."'
-San Francisco Chronicle