Destiny Disrupted

(Ann) #1



  1. With footnotes.


  1. See Georges Roux, Ancient Iraq (New York: Penguin, 1980), p. 148.

  2. Conan Doyle, for example, uses "Parthian shot" to mean "parting shot" in his
    1886 novel A Study in Scarlet.

  3. The eleventh-century Persian poet Firdausi drew on this vast body of Persian leg-
    ends to write the Shahnama {The Book of Kings), an epic poem in which Kay Khos-
    row the Just figures largely.


  1. From a passage by Tabari, excerpted in The Inner journey: Views .from the Is!dmic
    Tradition, edited by William Chittick, {Sandpoint, Idaho: Morning Light Press,
    2007), p. xi.

  2. Akbar Ahmed's Is!dm Today (New York and London: I. B. Tauris, 1999), p. 21,
    for excerpts from Mohammed's last sermon.


  1. Reza Asian, No god but God {New York: Random House, 2006), p. 113.

  2. This is Tabari's description; an excerpt appears on page 12 of Is!dm: From the
    Prophet Mohammed to the Capture of Constantinople, a collection of documents edited
    and translated by Bernard Lewis. {New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press,

  3. The core of a document purporting to be Omar's original declaration to
    Jerusalem appears in Hugh Kennedy's The Great Arab Conquests {New York: Da Capo
    Press, 2007), pp. 91-92.

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