Destiny Disrupted

(Ann) #1


  1. From Ibn Qutayba's ninth-century history Uyun al-Akhbar, excerpted in Islam:
    From the Prophet Muhammed to the Capture of Constantinople (New York and Oxford:
    Oxford University Press, 1987), p. 273.

  2. Nafasul Mahmum (chapter 14), Sheikh Abbas Qummi quoting from thirteenth-
    century historian Sayyid Ibn Tawoos's book Lahoof(Qom, Iran: Ansariyan Publica-
    tions, 2005).

  3. G. E. von Grunebaum, Classical Islam (Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company,
    1970), p. 70.


  1. Wiet, Baghdad: Metropolis of the Abbasid Caliphate, pp. 12-24.

  2. From Four Thousand Years of Urban Growth: An Historical Census by Tertius
    Chandler. (Lewiston, New York: St. David's University Press, 1987).


  1. My rendering of a poem that appears in Perfome of the Desert: Inspirations ftom
    Sufi Wisdom, edited by A. Harvey and E. Hanut, (Wheaton, Illinois: Quest Books,

  2. From Muhammad Zubayr Siddiqi, "Women Scholars of Hadith," at
    http://www. jannah.orgl sisters/womenhadith.httnl.

  3. Maulana Muhammad Ali, The Early Caliphate (1932; Lahore, Pakistan: The Ah-
    madiyya Anjuman Isha'at Islam, 1983), p. 119.

  4. Ghazali, "On the Etiquettes of Marriage," The Revival of the Religious Sciences
    book 12 at http:/ /


  1. Chaim Potok, History of the jews (New York: Ballantine Books, 1978), pp.

  2. Mohammed Ali, A Cultural History of Afghanistan, 120-123 (Kabul: Punjab Ed-
    ucational Press, 1964).

  3. My cousin Farid Ansary quoted this line from a contemporary of Firdausi's; he
    couldn't recall the poet's name. However, similar (but more extensive) anti-Arab vitu-
    perations can be found at the end ofFirdausi's Shahnama.


  1. Philip Daileader discusses the fragmentation process in medieval Europe in lec-
    tures 17-20 of his audio series The Early Middle Ages (Chantilly, Virginia: The Teach-
    ing Company, 2004). See also the Columbia Encyclopedia, 6'h edition, entry for

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