Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 2007

(Tuis.) #1

180 Fundamentals of Statistics

e. Reaction times are important for de-
termining whether a runner has false-
started. If the runner’s reaction time
is less than 0.1 second, a false start
is declared. Where would a reaction
time of 0.1 second fall on your
boxplot: as a typical value, a moderate
outlier, or an extreme outlier? Does
this defi nition of a false start seem
reasonable given your data?
f. Is there an association between re-
action time and the order of fi nish?
Calculate descriptive statistics for the
reaction times broken down by order
of fi nish. Pay particular attention to
the mean and the median.
g. Create a boxplot of the reaction times
broken down by order of fi nish. Is
there anything in your descriptive
statistics or boxplots to suggest that
reaction time plays a part in how the
runner fi nishes the race?
h. Save your changes to the workbook
and then write a report summarizing
your observations and calculations.

  1. The Labor Force workbook shows the
    change in the percentage of women
    in the labor force from 19 cities in the
    United States from 1968 to 1972. You
    can use these data to gauge the growing
    presence of women in the labor force
    during this time period.
    a. Open the Labor Force workbook from
    the Chapter04 folder and save it as
    Labor Force Statistics.
    b. Calculate the difference between the
    1968 and 1972 values, storing the cal-
    culations in a new column. Calculate
    descriptive statistics for the values in
    the Difference column.
    c. Calculate the mean of the Difference
    d. Create a boxplot of the Difference
    value. Are there any outliers present
    in the data? Identify which city the
    value comes from. What do the data

tell you about the change of the pres-
ence of women in the labor force from
1968 to 1972?
e. Describe the shape of the distribution
of the Difference values. Are the data
positively or negatively skewed or
symmetric? Can you use the mean to
summarize the results from this study?
f. Save your workbook and write a re-
port summarizing your analysis.

  1. In 1970, draft numbers were determined
    by lottery. All 366 possible birth dates
    were placed in a rotating drum and se-
    lected one by one. The fi rst birth date
    drawn received a draft number of 1, and
    men born on that date were drafted fi rst;
    the second birth date received a draft
    number of 2; and so forth. Data from the
    draft number lottery can be found in the
    Draft workbook.
    a. Open the Draft workbook from the
    Chapter04 folder and save it as Draft
    b. Create a box plot of the draft numbers
    broken down by month. Also create a
    table of counts, means, medians, and
    standard deviations. Is there any evi-
    dence of a trend in the draft numbers
    selected compared to the month?
    c. Repeat part b, this time breaking the
    numbers down by quarters. Is there
    any evidence of a trend between draft
    numbers and the year’s quarter?
    d. Repeat part b, breaking the draft num-
    bers by fi rst half of the year versus
    second half. Is the typical draft num-
    ber selected for the fi rst half of the
    year close in value to the draft num-
    ber for birthdays from the second half
    of the year?
    e. Discuss your results. The draft num-
    bers should have no relationship to the
    time of the year. Does this appear to be
    the case? What effect does breaking the
    numbers down into different units of
    time have on your conclusion?

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