Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 2007

(Tuis.) #1
Chapter 8 Regression and Correlation 345

a relationship anywhere near as strong as the relationship between mortal-
ity index and temperature that you worked with earlier in the chapter.
Save your work and close the Calculus Correlation Analysis workbook.


  1. True or false, and why: If the slope of a
    regression line is large, the correlation
    between the variables will also be large.

  2. True or false, and why: If the correla-
    tion between two variables is near 1, the
    slope will be a large positive number.

  3. True or false, and why: If the p value of
    the Pearson’s correlation coeffi cient is
    low, the p value of the slope parameter of
    the regression equation will also be low.

  4. True or false, and why: A correlation of
    zero means that the two variables are
    5. True or false, and why: The runs test is
    one of the diagnostic tests you should
    always apply to the residuals in your
    regression analysis.
    6. In a time-ordered study, you have 25
    residuals from the regression model.
    There are 10 negative residuals and
    15 positive ones. There are a total of
    10 runs. Is this an unusual number of
    runs? What is the level of statistical
    signifi cance?
    7. Using the following ANOVA table for
    the regression of variable y on variable x,
    answer the questions below.

Table 8-6 Regression of Variable y on x

ANOVA df SS MS F Signifi cance F
Regression 1 129.6 129.6 4.91 0.057
Residual 8 210.9 26.4
Total 9 340.5

a. How many observations are in the
data set?
b. What is the variance of y?
c. What is the value of R^2?
d. What percentage of the variability in y
is explained by the regression?
e. What is the absolute value of the cor-
relation of x and y?
f. What is the p value of the correlation
of x and y?
g. What is the standard error (the typical
deviation of an observed point from
the regression line)?

  1. Return to the Breast Cancer Mortality
    study discussed in this chapter. There
    may be an outlier in the data set.
    Perform the following analysis to
    determine the effect of this outlier on
    the regression analysis:
    a. Open the Breast Cancer workbook
    from the Chapter08 folder and save it
    as Breast Cancer Outlier Regression
    to the same folder.
    b. Remove the observation for the fi rst
    region from the data set.

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