Chapter 10 Analysis of Variance 421
You have to indicate the number of replicates in the two-way table
for this command.
3 Type 6 in the Rows per sample text box.
4 Click the New Worksheet Ply option button, and type Tw o - Wa y
ANOVA in the corresponding text box.
Your dialog box should look like Figure 10-21.
Figure 10-21
dialog box
5 Click OK.
If there is only one observation for each combination of the two
factors, use Anova: Two-Factor Without Replication.
If there is more than one observation for each combination of the
two factors, use Anova: Two-Factor With Replication.
If there are blanks for one or more of the factor combinations,
you cannot use the Analysis ToolPak to perform two-way
You can calculate the p value for the F distribution using Excel’s
FDIST(F, df1, df2), where F is the value of the F statistic, df1 is
the degrees of freedom for the factor, and df2 is the degrees of
freedom for the error term.