Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 2007

(Tuis.) #1

NORMINV NORMINV(p, mean, sd) returns the inverse of the
normal distribution with mean mean and standard
deviation sd.
NORMSDIST NORMSDIST(number) returns the probability for
the standard normal distribution.
NORMSINV NORMSINV(probability) returns the inverse of the
standard normal distribution.
POISSON POISSON(x, mean, type) returns the probability for the
Poisson distribution (type is true for the cumulative
distribution, false for the probability mass function).
TDIST TDIST(x, df, number-of-tails) returns the probability
for the t distribution.
TINV TINV(p, df) returns the inverse of the t distribution.
WEIBULL WEIBULL(x, alpha, beta, type) returns the probability
for the Weibull distribution (type is true for the
cumulative distribution function, false for the
probability mass function).

Mathematical Formulas

Function Name Description
ABS ABS(number) returns the absolute value of
number to the point specifi ed.
COMBIN COMBIN(x, n) returns the number of
combinations of x objects taken n at a time.
EVEN EVEN(number) returns number rounded up to
the nearest even integer.
EXP EXP(number) returns the exponential function of
number with base e.
FACT FACT(number) returns the factorial of number.
FACTDOUBLE FACTDOUBLE(number) returns the double
factorial of number.
FLOOR FLOOR(number, signifi cance) returns number
rounded down to the nearest multiple of the
signifi cance value.
GCD GCD(number1, number2,.. .) returns the greatest
common divisor of up to 29 numbers.
GESTEP GESTEP(number, step) returns 1 if number is
greater than or equal to step, 0 if not.
LCM LCM(number1, number2,.. .) returns the least
common multiple of up to 29 numbers.
INT INT(number) truncates number to the units place.
LN LN(number) returns the natural logarithm of
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