Statistical Analysis
Function Name Description
CHITEST CHITEST(observed, expected) calculates the
Pearson chi-square for observed and expected
GROWTH GROWTH(known-y’s, known-x’s, new-x’s,
constant) returns the predicted (y) values for the
new-x’s, based on exponential regression of the
known-y’s on the known-x’s.
FISHER FISHER(x) returns the value of the Fisher
transformation evaluated at x.
FISHERINV FISHERINV(y) returns the value of the inverse
Fisher transformation evaluated at y.
FORECAST FORECAST(x, known-y’s, known-x’s) returns
a predicted (y) value for x, based on linear
regression of the known-y’s on the known-x’s.
FTEST FTEST(array1, array2) returns the p-value of
the one-tailed F statistic, on the basis of the
hypothesis that the variances array1 and array2
are not signifi cantly different (which is rejected
for low p values).
INTERCEPT INTERCEPT(known-y’s, known-x’s) returns the
y intercept of the linear regression of known-y’s
on known-x’s.
LINEST LINEST(known-y’s, known-x’s, constant, stats)
returns coeffi cients in the linear regression of
known-y’s on known-x’s (constant is true if the
intercept is forced to be 0, and stats is true if
regression statistics are desired).
LOGEST LOGEST(known-y’s, known-x’s, constant, stats)
returns the exponential regression of known-y’s
on known-x’s (constant is true if the leading
coeffi cient is forced to be 0, and stats is true if
regression statistics are desired).
PROB PROB(x-values, probabilities, value) returns
the probability associated with value, given the
probabilities of a range of values.
PROB PROB(x-values, probabilities, lower-limit,
upper-limit) returns the probability associated
with values between lower-limit and
SLOPE SLOPE(known-y’s, known-x’s) returns the slope
of a linear regression line.
STEYX STEYX(known-y’s, known-x’s) returns the
standard error of the linear regression.