Manipulating Columns
Indicator Columns
The StatPlus>Manipulate Columns>Create Indicator Columns command
takes a column of category levels and creates columns of indicator variables,
one for each category level in the input range. An indicator variable for a
particular category 5 1 if the row comes from an observation belonging to
that category and 0 otherwise.
Two-Way Table
The StatPlus>Manipulate Columns>Create Two-Way Table command takes
data arranged in three columns—a column of values, a column of category
levels for one factor, and a second column of category levels for a second
factor —and arranges the data into a two-way table. The columns of the table
consist of the different levels of the fi rst factor; the rows of the table consist
of different levels of the second factor. Multiple values for each combina-
tion of the two factors show up in different rows within the table. Output
from this command can be used in the Analysis ToolPak’s ANOVA com-
mands. The numbers of rows in the three columns must be equal. The user
can choose whether to sort the row and column headers of the table.