Excel Reference 555
Unstack Column
The StatPlus>Manipulate Columns>Unstack Column command takes data
found in two columns—a column of data values and a column of categories—
and outputs the values into different columns, one column for each category
level. The length of the values column and the length of the category column
must be equal. The user can choose whether to sort the columns in ascending
order of the category variable.
Stack Columns
The StatPlus>Manipulate Columns>Stack Columns command takes data
that lie in separate columns and stacks the values into two columns. The
column to the left contains the values; the column to the right is a category
column. Values for the category are found from the header rows in the in-
put columns, or, if there are no header rows, the categories are labeled as
Level 1, Level 2, and so forth. The input range need not be contiguous.