Fast Scatterplot
The StatPlus>Single Variable Charts>Fast Scatterplot command creates a
quick scatterplot bypassing many of the commands on the Excel ribbon. The
scatterplot can be sent to an embedded chart on a worksheet or to its own
chart sheet.
The StatPlus>Single Variable Charts>Histograms command creates a histo-
gram. The user can specify a frequency, cumulative frequency, percentage, or
cumulative percentage chart. Also, the histogram can be broken down into
the different levels of a categorical variable. If a categorical variable is used,
the histogram bars can be (1) stacked, (2) displayed side by side, or (3) dis-
played in 3-D. The user can choose to add a normal curve to the histogram,
as well as to display the corresponding frequency table. The histogram can
be sent to an embedded chart on a worksheet or to its own chart sheet.