Excel Reference 585
MannW MannW(range, range2, [median]) calculates the
Mann-Whitney test statistic for data values in
two columns. The median difference is assumed
to be 0, unless a median value is specifi ed.
MannWp MannWp(range, range2, [median], [Alt])
calculates the p value of the Mann-Whitney test
statistic for data values in two columns. The
median difference is assumed to be 0, unless a
median value is specifi ed. The p value is for a
two-sided alternative hypothesis unless Alt 5 1,
in which case a one-sided test is performed.
MannW2 MannW2(range, range2, [median]) calculates
the Mann-Whitney test statistic for data values
in one column (range) and category values in a
second column (range2). There can be only two
levels in the categories column. The median
difference is assumed to be 0, unless a median
value is specifi ed.
MannWp2 MannWp2(range, range2, [median]) calculates
the p value of the Mann-Whitney test statistic for
data values in one column (range) and category
values in a second column (range2). There can
be only two levels in the categories column. The
median difference is assumed to be 0, unless a
median value is specifi ed. The p value is for a
two-sided alternative hypothesis unless Alt 5 1,
in which case a one-sided test is performed.
Oneway Oneway(range, range2) calculates the p value of
the one-way ANOVA for data arranged in two
RUNSP RUNSP(range, [center]) calculates the p value of
the Runs test for values in the data column range.
Center 5 0 unless a center value is entered.
TSTAT TSTAT(range, [mean]) calculates the one-sample
t-test statistic for values in the data column range.
The mean value under the null hypothesis is
assumed to be 0, unless a mean value is specifi ed.
TSTATP TSTATP(range, [mean], [Alt]) calculates the
p value for the one-sample t test statistic for values
in the data column range. The mean value under
the null hypothesis is assumed to be 0, unless a
mean value is specifi ed. A two-sided alternative
hypothesis is assumed unless Alt 52 1, in which
case the “less than” alternative hypothesis is
assumed, or Alt 5 1, in which case the “greater
than” alternative hypothesis is assumed.