Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

(lu) #1


In order to compare the results obtained here with those given in section

10.10 for orthogonal coordinates, it is necessary to remember that here we are

working with the (in general) non-unit basis vectorsei=∂r/∂uiorei=∇ui.

Thus the components of a vectorv=vieiare not the same as the componentsvˆi

appropriate to the corresponding unit basisˆei. In fact, if the scale factors of the

coordinate system arehi,i=1, 2 ,3, thenvi=vˆi/hi(no summation overi).

As mentioned in section 26.15, for an orthogonal coordinate system with scale

factorshiwe have


h^2 i ifi=j,


and gij=

1 /h^2 i ifi=j,


and so the determinantgof the matrix [gij] is given byg=h^21 h^22 h^23.


The gradient of a scalarφis given by



ei, (26.91)

since the covariant derivative of a scalar is the same as its partial derivative.


Replacing the partial derivatives that occur in Cartesian coordinates with covari-

ant derivatives, the divergence of a vector fieldvin a general coordinate system

is given by




Using the expression (26.82) for the Christoffel symbol in terms of the metric

tensor, we find

Γiki=^12 gil





=^12 gil


. (26.92)

The last two terms have cancelled because








where in the first equality we have interchanged the dummy indicesiandl,and

in the second equality have used the symmetry of the metric tensor.

We may simplify (26.92) still further by using a result concerning the derivative

of the determinant of a matrix whose elements are functions of the coordinates.

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