Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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26.23 A fourth-order tensorTijklhas the properties


Prove that for any such tensor there exists a second-order tensorKmnsuch that


and give an explicit expression forKmn. Consider two (separate) special cases, as

(a) Given thatTijklis isotropic andTijji= 1, show thatTijklis uniquely deter-
mined and express it in terms of Kronecker deltas.
(b) If nowTijklhas the additional property


show thatTijklhas only three linearly independent components and find an
expression forTijklin terms of the vector

Vi=−^14 jklTijkl.

26.24 Working in cylindrical polar coordinatesρ, φ, z, parameterise the straight line
(geodesic) joining (1, 0 ,0) to (1,π/ 2 ,1) in terms ofs, the distance along the line.
Show by substitution that the geodesic equations, derived at the end of section
26.22, are satisfied.
26.25 In a general coordinate systemui,i=1, 2 ,3, in three-dimensional Euclidean
space, a volume element is given by

dV=|e 1 du^1 ·(e 2 du^2 ×e 3 du^3 )|.

Show that an alternative form for this expression, written in terms of the deter-
minantgof the metric tensor, is given by


gdu^1 du^2 du^3.

Show that, under a general coordinate transformation to a new coordinate
systemu′i, the volume elementdVremains unchanged, i.e. show that it is a scalar
26.26 By writing down the expression for the square of the infinitesimal arc length (ds)^2
in spherical polar coordinates, find the componentsgijofthemetrictensorinthis
coordinate system. Hence, using (26.97), find the expression for the divergence
of a vector fieldvin spherical polars. Calculate the Christoffel symbols (of the
second kind) Γijkin this coordinate system.
26.27 Find an expression for the second covariant derivativevi;jk≡(vi;j);kof a vector
vi(see (26.88)). By interchanging the order of differentiation and then subtracting
the two expressions, we define the componentsRlijkof theRiemann tensoras


Show that in a general coordinate systemuithese components are given by





By first considering Cartesian coordinates, show that all the componentsRlijk≡ 0
foranycoordinate system in three-dimensional Euclidean space.
In such a space, therefore, we may change the order of the covariant derivatives
without changing the resulting expression.
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