if matrices are involved. In the notation in whichG={G 1 ,G 2 ,...,Gn}the order
of the group is clearlyn.
As we have noted, for the integers under addition zero is the identity. For
the group of rotations and reflections, the operation of doing nothing, i.e. the
null operation, plays this role. This latter identification may seem artificial, but
it is an operation, albeit trivial, which does leave the system in a physically
indistinguishable state, and needs to be included. One might add that without it
the set of operations would not form a group and none of the powerful results
we will derive later in this and the next chapter could be justifiably applied to
give deductions of physical significance.
In the examples of rotations and reflections mentioned earlier,•has been taken
to mean that the left-hand operation is carried out on the system that results
from application of the right-hand operation. Thus
Z=X•Y (28.4)
means that the effect on the system of carrying outZisthesameaswould
be obtained by first carrying outYand then carrying outX. The order of the
operations should be noted; it is arbitrary in the first instance but, once chosen,
must be adhered to. The choice we have made is dictated by the fact that most
of our applications involve the effect of rotations and reflections on functions of
space coordinates, and it is usual, and our practice in the rest of this book, to
write operators acting on functions to the left of the functions.
It will be apparent that for the above-mentioned group, integers under ordinary
addition, it is true that
Y•X=X•Y (28.5)
for all pairs of integersX,Y. If any two particular elements of a group satisfy
(28.5), they are said tocommuteunder the operation•; if all pairs of elements in
a group satisfy (28.5), then the group is said to beAbelian.Thesetofallintegers
forms an infinite Abelian group under (ordinary) addition.
As we show below, requirements (iii) and (iv) of the definition of a group
are over-demanding (but self-consistent), since in each of equations (28.2) and
(28.3) the second equality can be deduced from the first by using the associativity
required by (28.1). The mathematical steps in the following arguments are all
very simple, but care has to be taken to make sure that nothing that has not
yet been proved is used to justify a step. For this reason, and to act as a model
in logical deduction, a reference in Roman numerals to the previous result,
or to the group definition used, is given over each equality sign. Such explicit
detailed referencing soon becomes tiresome, but it should always be available if