Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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28.5 Mappings between groups

Now that we have available a range of groups that can be used as examples,

we return to the study of more general group properties. From here on, when

there is no ambiguity we will write the product of two elements,X•Y, simply

asXY, omitting the explicit combination symbol. We will also continue to use

‘multiplication’ as a loose generic name for the combination process between

elements of a group.

IfGandG′are two groups, we can study the effect of amapping


ofGontoG′.IfXis an element ofGwe denote itsimageinG′under the mapping


A technical term that we have already used isisomorphic. We will now define

it formally. Two groupsG={X,Y,...}andG′={X′,Y′,...}are said to be

isomorphicif there is a one-to-one correspondence


between their elements such that

XY=Z implies X′Y′=Z′

and vice versa.

In other words, isomorphic groups have the same (multiplication) structure,

although they may differ in the nature of their elements, combination law and

notation. Clearly if groupsGandG′are isomorphic, andGandG′′are isomorphic,

then it follows thatG′andG′′are isomorphic. We have already seen an example of

four groups (of functions ofx, of orthogonal matrices, of permutations and of the

symmetries of an equilateral triangle) that are isomorphic, all having table 28.8

as their multiplication table.

Although our main interest is in isomorphic relationships between groups, the

wider question of mappings of one set of elements onto another is of some

importance, and we start with the more general notion of a homomorphism.

LetGandG′be two groups andΦa mapping ofG→G′. If for every pair of



thenΦis called a homomorphism, andG′is said to be a homomorphic image ofG.

The essential defining relationship, expressed by (XY)′=X′Y′, is that the

same result is obtained whether the product of two elements is formed first and

the image then taken or the images are taken first and the product then formed.

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