Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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A 1 11 1
A 2 11 − 1
E 2 − 10

D 30 1

Table 29.2 The characters of the irreps of the group 3mand of the represen-
tationD, which must be a superposition of some of them.

29.7.1 Summation rules for irreps

The first summation rule for irreps is a simple restatement of (29.14), withμset

equal toλ;itthenreads




In words, the sum of the squares (modulus squared if necessary) of the characters

of an irrep taken over all elements of the group adds up to the order of the

group. For group 3m(table 29.1), this takes the following explicit forms:

for A 1 , 1(1^2 )+2(1^2 )+3(1^2 )=6;
for A 2 , 1(1^2 )+2(1^2 )+3(−1)^2 =6;
for E, 1(2^2 )+2(−1)^2 +3(0^2 )=6.

We next prove a theorem that is concerned not with a summation within an irrep

but with a summation over irreps.

Theorem.Ifnμis the dimension of theμth irrep of a groupGthen


n^2 μ=g,

wheregis the order of the group.

Proof.Define a representation of the group in the following way. Rearrange

the rows of the multiplication table of the group so that whilst the elements in

a particular order head the columns, their inverses in the same order head the

rows. In this arrangement of theg×gtable, the leading diagonal is entirely

occupied by the identity element. Then, for each elementXof the group, take as

representative matrix the multiplication-table array obtained by replacingXby

1 and all other element symbols by 0. The matricesDreg(X) so obtained form the

regular representationofG;theyareeachg×g, have a single non-zero entry ‘1’

in each row and column and (as will be verified by a little experimentation) have

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