Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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give a large selection of character tables; our aim is to demonstrate and justify

the use of those found in the literature specifically dedicated to crystal physics or

molecular chemistry.

Variations in notation are not restricted to the naming of groups and their

irreps, but extend to the symbols used to identify a typical element, and hence

all members, of a conjugacy class in a group. In physics these are usually of the

typesnz, ̄nzormx. The first of these denotes a rotation of 2π/nabout thez-axis,

and the second the same thing followed by parity inversion (all vectorsrgo to

−r), whilst the third indicates a mirror reflection in a plane, in this case the plane


Typical chemistry symbols for classes areNCn,NC^2 n,NCnx,NSn,σv,σxy.Here

the first symbolN, where it appears, shows that there areNelements in the

class (a useful feature). The subscriptnhas the same meaning as in the physics

notation, butσrather thanmis used for a mirror reflection, subscriptsv,dorhor

superscriptsxy,xzoryzdenoting the various orientations of the relevant mirror

planes. Symmetries involving parity inversions are denoted byS; thusSnis the

chemistry analogue of ̄n. None of what is said in this and the previous paragraph

should be taken as definitive, but merely as a warning of common variations in

nomenclature and as an initial guide to corresponding entities. Before using any

set of group character tables, the reader should ensure that he or she understands

the precise notation being employed.

29.10 Product representations

In quantum mechanical investigations we are often faced with the calculation of

what are called matrix elements. These normally take the form of integrals over all

space of the product of two or more functions whose analytic forms depend on the

microscopic properties (usually angular momentum and its components) of the

electrons or nuclei involved. For ‘bonding’ calculations involving ‘overlap integrals’

there are usually two functions involved, whilst for transition probabilities a third

function, giving the spatial variation of the interaction Hamiltonian, also appears

under the integral sign.

If the environment of the microscopic system under investigation has some

symmetry properties, then sometimes these can be used to establish, without

detailed evaluation, that the multiple integral must have zero value. We now

express the essential content of these ideas in group theoretical language.

Suppose we are given an integral of the form


Ψφdτ or J=

Ψξφ dτ

to be evaluated over all space in a situation in which the physical system is

invariant under a particular groupGof symmetry operations. For the integral to

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