Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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Figure 30.4 The general Venn diagram for three events is divided into eight

not belong toB,thenBis called asubsetofA, a situation that is denoted by

B⊂A; alternatively, one may writeA⊃B, which states thatAcontainsB.Inthis

case, the closed curve representing the eventBis often drawn lying completely

within the closed curve representing the eventA.

The operations∪and∩are extended straightforwardly to more than two

events. If there existneventsA 1 ,A 2 ,...,An, in some sample spaceS, then the

event consisting of all those outcomes that belong toone or moreof theAiis the

unionofA 1 ,A 2 ,...,Anand is denoted by

A 1 ∪A 2 ∪···∪An. (30.1)

Similarly, the event consisting of all the outcomes that belong toevery oneof the

Aiis called theintersectionofA 1 ,A 2 ,...,Anand is denoted by

A 1 ∩A 2 ∩···∩An. (30.2)

If, foranypair of valuesi, jwithi=j,

Ai∩Aj=∅ (30.3)

then the eventsAiandAjare said to bemutually exclusiveordisjoint.

Consider three eventsA,BandCwith a Venn diagram such as is shown in

figure 30.4. It will be clear that, in general, the diagram will be divided into eight

regions and they will be of four different types. Three regions correspond to a

single event; three regions are each the intersection of exactly two events; one

region is the three-fold intersection of all three events; and finally one region

corresponds to none of the events. Let us now consider the numbers of different

regions in a generaln-event Venn diagram.

For one-event Venn diagrams there are two regions, for the two-event case

there are four regions and, as we have just seen, for the three-event case there are

eight. In the generaln-event case there are 2nregions, as is clear from the fact

that any particular regionRlies either inside or outside the closed curve of any

particular event. With two choices (inside or outside) for each ofnclosed curves,

there are 2ndifferent possible combinations with which to characteriseR.Oncen

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