Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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One particularly useful consequence of its definition is that the covariance

of twoindependentvariables,XandY, is zero. It immediately follows from

(30.134) that their correlation is also zero, and this justifies the use of the term

‘uncorrelated’ for two such variables. To show this extremely important property

we first note that

Cov[X, Y]=E[(X−μX)(Y−μY)]


=E[XY]−μXμY. (30.135)

Now, ifXandY are independent thenE[XY]=E[X]E[Y]=μXμY and so

Cov[X, Y] = 0. It is important to note that the converse of this result is not

necessarily true; two variables dependent on each other can still be uncorrelated.

In other words, it is possible (and not uncommon) for two variablesXandY

to be described by a joint distributionf(x, y)thatcannotbe factorised into a

product of the formg(x)h(y), but for which Corr[X, Y] = 0. Indeed, from the

definition (30.133), we see that for any joint distributionf(x, y) that is symmetric

inxaboutμX(or similarly iny) we have Corr[X, Y]=0.

We have already asserted that if the correlation of two random variables is

positive (negative) they are said to be positively (negatively) correlated. We have

also stated that the correlation lies between−1 and +1. The terminology suggests

that if the two RVs are identical (i.e.X=Y) then they are completely correlated

and that their correlation should be +1. Likewise, ifX=−Ythen the functions

are completely anticorrelated and their correlation should be−1. Values of the

correlation function between these extremes show the existence of some degree

of correlation. In fact it is not necessary thatX=Yfor Corr[X, Y] = 1; it is

sufficient thatYis a linear function ofX,i.e.Y=aX+b(withapositive). Ifa

is negative then Corr[X, Y]=−1. To show this we first note thatμY=aμX+b.


Y=aX+b=aX+μY−aμX ⇒ Y−μY=a(X−μX),

and so using the definition of the covariance (30.133)

Cov[X, Y]=aE[(X−μX)^2 ]=aσX^2.

It follows from the properties of the variance (subsection 30.5.3) thatσY=|a|σX

and so, using the definition (30.134) of the correlation,

Corr[X, Y]=

aσ^2 X
|a|σ^2 X




which is the stated result.

It should be noted that, even if the possibilities ofXandYbeing non-zero are

mutually exclusive, Corr[X, Y] need not have value±1.

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