Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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and describes the spread of valuesaˆaboutE[aˆ] that would result from a large

number of samples, each of sizeN. An estimator with a smaller variance is said

to be moreefficientthan one with a larger variance. As we show in the next

section, for any given quantityaof the population there exists a theoreticallower

limiton the variance ofanyestimatorˆa. This result is known asFisher’s inequality

(or theCram ́er–Rao inequality) and reads




) 2 /


∂^2 lnP

, (31.17)

whereP stands for the populationP(x|a)andbis the bias of the estimator.

Denoting the quantity on the RHS of (31.17) byVmin,theefficiencyeof an

estimator is defined as


An estimator for whiche= 1 is called aminimum-varianceorefficientestimator.

Otherwise, ife<1,aˆis called aninefficientestimator.

It should be noted that, in general, there is no unique ‘optimal’ estimatoraˆfor

a particular propertya. To some extent, there is always a trade-off between bias

and efficiency. One must often weigh the relative merits of an unbiased, inefficient

estimator against another that is more efficient but slightly biased. Nevertheless, a

common choice is thebest unbiased estimator(BUE), which is simply the unbiased

estimatorˆahaving the smallest varianceV[aˆ].

Finally, we note that some qualities of estimators are related. For example,

suppose thataˆis an unbiased estimator, so thatE[aˆ]=aandV[aˆ]→0as

N→∞. Using the Bienayme–Chebyshev inequality discussed in subsection 30.5.3, ́

it follows immediately thataˆis also a consistent estimator. Nevertheless, it does

notfollow that a consistent estimator is unbiased.

The sample valuesx 1 ,x 2 ,...,xNare drawn independently from a Gaussian distribution
with meanμand varianceσ. Show that the sample mean ̄xis a consistent, unbiased,
minimum-variance estimator ofμ.

We found earlier that the sampling distribution of ̄xis given by

P(x ̄|μ, σ)=


2 πσ^2 /N



(x ̄−μ)^2
2 σ^2 /N



from which we see immediately thatE[x ̄]=μandV[ ̄x]=σ^2 /N. Thus ̄xis an unbiased
estimator ofμ. Moreover, since it is also true thatV[x ̄]→0asN→∞,x ̄is a consistent
estimator ofμ.
In order to determine whether ̄xis a minimum-variance estimator ofμ,wemustuse
Fisher’s inequality (31.17). Since the sample valuesxiare independent and drawn from a
Gaussian of meanμand standard deviationσ, we have

lnP(x|μ, σ)=−






ln(2πσ^2 )+




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