Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

(lu) #1


31.16 The functiony(x) is known to be a quadratic function ofx. The following table
gives the measured values and uncorrelated standard errors ofymeasured at
various values ofx(in which there is negligible error):

x 1234 5
y(x)3. 5 ± 0. 52. 0 ± 0. 53. 0 ± 0. 56. 5 ± 1. 010. 5 ± 1. 0

Construct the response matrixRusing as basis functions 1,x,x^2. Calculate the
matrixRTN−^1 Rand show that its inverse, the covariance matrixV,hastheform




12 592 − 9708 1580

− 9708 8413 − 1461

1580 − 1461 269


Use this matrix to find the best values, and their uncertainties, for the coefficients
of the quadratic form fory(x).
31.17 The following are the values and standard errors of a physical quantityf(θ)
measured at various values ofθ(in which there is negligible error):

θ 0 π/ 6 π/ 4 π/ 3
f(θ)3. 72 ± 0. 21. 98 ± 0. 1 − 0. 06 ± 0. 1 − 2. 05 ± 0. 1

θπ/ 22 π/ 33 π/ 4 π
f(θ) − 2. 83 ± 0. 21. 15 ± 0. 13. 99 ± 0. 29. 71 ± 0. 4

Theory suggests thatfshould be of the forma 1 +a 2 cosθ+a 3 cos 2θ. Show that
the normal equations for the coefficientsaiare

481. 3 a 1 + 158. 4 a 2 − 43. 8 a 3 = 284. 7 ,
158. 4 a 1 + 218. 8 a 2 +62. 1 a 3 =− 31. 1 ,
− 43. 8 a 1 +62. 1 a 2 + 131. 3 a 3 = 368. 4.

(a) If you have matrix inversion routines available on a computer, determine the
best values and variances for the coefficientsaiand the correlation between
the coefficientsa 1 anda 2.
(b) If you have only a calculator available, solve for the values using a Gauss–
Seidel iteration and start from the approximate solutiona 1 =2,a 2 =−2,
a 3 =4.

31.18 Prove that the expression given for the Student’st-distribution in equation (31.118)
is correctly normalised.

31.19 Verify that theF-distributionP(F) given explicitly in equation (31.126) is symme-
tric between the two data samples, i.e. that it retains the same form but withN 1
andN 2 interchanged, ifFis replaced byF′=F−^1. Symbolically, ifP′(F′)isthe
distribution ofF′andP(F)=η(F, N 1 ,N 2 ), thenP′(F′)=η(F′,N 2 ,N 1 ).
31.20 It is claimed that the two following sets of values were obtained (a) by ran-
domly drawing from a normal distribution that isN(0,1) and then (b) randomly
assigning each reading to one of two sets A and B:

Set A: − 0 .314 0. 603 − 0. 551 − 0. 537 − 0. 160 − 1 .635 0. 719
0 .610 0. 482 − 1. 757 0. 058
Set B: − 0 .691 1. 515 − 1. 642 − 1. 736 1. 224 1 .423 1. 165

Make tests, includingt-andF-tests, to establish whether there is any evidence
that either claims is, or both claims are, false.
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