Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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orthogonal transformations, 932
orthogonalisation (Gram–Schmidt) of
eigenfunctions of an Hermitian operator, 562
eigenvectors of a normal matrix, 275
functions in a Hilbert space, 557
orthogonality of
eigenfunctions of an Hermitian operator,
eigenvectors of a normal matrix, 275
eigenvectors of an Hermitian matrix, 277
functions, 557
terms in Fourier series, 417, 425
vectors, 219, 244
orthogonality properties of characters, 1094,
orthogonality theorem for irreps, 1090–1092
basis functions, 557
basis vectors, 244
under unitary transformation, 285
oscillations,seenormal modes
outcome, of trial, 1119
outer product of two vectors, 936

P(x),seeLegendre polynomials
Pm(x),seeassociated Legendre functions
Pappus’ theorems, 195–197
parabola, equation for, 16
parabolic PDE, 687, 690
parallel axis theorem, 238
parallel vectors, 223
parallelepiped, volume of, 225
parallelogram equality, 247
parallelogram, area of, 223, 224
parameter estimation (statistics), 1229–1255,
Bessel correction, 1248
error in mean, 1298
maximum-likelihood, 1255
mean, 1243
variance, 1245–1248
parameters, variation of, 508–510
parametric equations
of conic sections, 17
of cycloid, 370, 785
of space curves, 340
of surfaces, 345
parity inversion, 1102
Parseval’s theorem
conservation of energy, 451
for Fourier series, 426
for Fourier transforms, 450
partial derivative,seepartial differentiation
partial differential equations (PDE), 675–707,
713–767,see alsodifferential equations,
arbitrary functions, 680–685
boundary conditions, 681, 699–707, 723
characteristics, 699–705
and equation type, 703

equation types, 687, 710
first-order, 681–687
general solution, 681–692
homogeneous, 685
inhomogeneous equation and problem,
685–687, 744–746, 751–767
particular solutions (integrals), 685–692
second-order, 687–698
partial differential equations (PDE), methods for
change of variables, 691, 696–698
constant coefficients, 687
general solution, 689
integral transform methods, 747–751
method of images,seemethod of images
numerical, 1030–1032
separation of variables,seeseparation of
superposition methods, 717–724
with no undifferentiated term, 684
partial differentiation, 151–179
as gradient of a function of several real
variables, 151
chain rule, 157
change of variables, 158–160
definitions, 151–153
properties, 157
cyclic relation, 157
reciprocity relation, 157
partial fractions, 18–25
and degree of numerator, 21
as a means of integration, 64
complex roots, 22
in inverse Laplace transforms, 454, 502
repeated roots, 23
partial sum, 115
particular integrals (PI), 469,see alsoordinary
differential equation, methods forand
partial differential equations, methods for
partition of a
group, 1064
set, 1065
parts, integration by, 67–69
path integrals,seeline integrals
PDE,seepartial differential equations
PDFs, 1140
pendulums, coupled, 329, 331
periodic function representation,seeFourier
permutation groupsSn, 1056–1058
cycle notation, 1057
permutation law in a group, 1047
permutations, 1133–1139
degree, 1056
distinguishable, 1135
order of, 1058
symbolnPk, 1133
perpendicular axes theorem, 209
perpendicular vectors, 219, 244
PF,seeprobability functions
PGF,seeprobability generating functions
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