which shows that the trace of a multiple product is invariant under cyclic
permutations of the matrices in the product. Other easily derived properties of
the trace are, for example, TrAT=TrAand TrA†=(TrA)∗.
8.9 The determinant of a matrix
For a given matrixA, the determinant detA(like the trace) is a single number (or
algebraic expression) that depends upon the elements ofA. Also like the trace,
the determinant is defined only forsquarematrices. If, for example,Ais a 3× 3
matrix then its determinant, oforder3, is denoted by
A 11 A 12 A 13
A 21 A 22 A 23
A 31 A 32 A 33
. (8.45)
In order to calculate the value of a determinant, we first need to introduce
the notions of theminorand thecofactorof an element of a matrix. (We
shall see that we can use the cofactors to write an order-3 determinant as the
weighted sum of three order-2 determinants, thereby simplifying its evaluation.)
The minorMijof the elementAijof anN×NmatrixAis the determinant of
the (N−1)×(N−1) matrix obtained by removing all the elements of theith
row andjth column ofA; the associated cofactor,Cij, is found by multiplying
the minor by (−1)i+j.
Find the cofactor of the elementA 23 of the matrix
A 11 A 12 A 13
A 21 A 22 A 23
A 31 A 32 A 33
Removing all the elements of the second row and third column ofAand forming the
determinant of the remaining terms gives the minor
M 23 =
A 11 A 12
A 31 A 32
Multiplying the minor by (−1)2+3=(−1)^5 =−1gives
C 23 =−
∣∣A^11 A^12
A 31 A 32
We now define a determinant asthe sum of the products of the elements of any
row or column and their corresponding cofactors,e.g.A 21 C 21 +A 22 C 22 +A 23 C 23 or
A 13 C 13 +A 23 C 23 +A 33 C 33. Such a sum is called aLaplace expansion. For example,
in the first of these expansions, using the elements of the second row of the