Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

(lu) #1




C 1

C 2


Figure 11.4 A doubly connected regionRbounded by the curvesC 1 andC 2.

to the regionRshown in figure 11.4, the line integrals must be taken over

both boundaries,C 1 andC 2 , in the directions indicated, and the results added


We may also use Green’s theorem in a plane to investigate the path indepen-

dence (or not) of line integrals when the paths lie in thexy-plane. Let us consider

the line integral





For the line integral fromAtoBto be independent of the path taken, it must

have the same value along any two arbitrary pathsC 1 andC 2 joining the points.

Moreover, if we consider as the path the closed loopCformed byC 1 −C 2 then

the line integral around this loop must be zero. From Green’s theorem in a plane,

(11.4), we see that asufficientcondition forI= 0 is that




, (11.5)

throughout some simply connected regionRcontaining the loop, where we assume

that these partial derivatives are continuous inR.

It may be shown that (11.5) is also anecessarycondition forI= 0 and is

equivalent to requiringPdx+Qdyto be an exact differential of some function

φ(x, y) such thatPdx+Qdy=dφ. It follows that

and that

C(Pdx+Qdy) around any closed loopCin the regionRis identically
zero. These results are special cases of the general results for paths in three

dimensions, which are discussed in the next section.

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