Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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−a−b −a+b a−b a a+b

−a x

Figure 13.3 The aperture functionf(y) for two wide slits.

After some manipulation we obtain


2 π


Now applying (13.10), and remembering thatq=(2πsinθ)/λ, we find


16 cos^2 qasin^2 qb
q^2 r 02


wherer 0 is the distance from the centre of the aperture.

13.1.3 The Diracδ-function

Before going on to consider further properties of Fourier transforms we make a

digression to discuss the Diracδ-function and its relation to Fourier transforms.

Theδ-function is different from most functions encountered in the physical

sciences but we will see that a rigorous mathematical definition exists; the utility

of theδ-function will be demonstrated throughout the remainder of this chapter.

It can be visualised as a very sharp narrow pulse (in space, time, density, etc.)

which produces an integrated effect having a definite magnitude. The formal

properties of theδ-function may be summarised as follows.

The Diracδ-function has the property that

δ(t)=0 fort=0, (13.11)

but its fundamental defining property is

f(t)δ(t−a)dt=f(a), (13.12)

provided the range of integration includes the pointt=a; otherwise the integral

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