Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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integration equal to zero, to givekm(x). The general solution to (15.53) is then

given by





Note that if the constants of integration are included in thekm(x) then, as well

as finding the particular integral, we redefine the arbitrary constantscmin the

complementary function.

Use the variation-of-parameters method to solve
d^2 y

+y=cosecx, (15.57)

subject to the boundary conditionsy(0) =y(π/2) = 0.

The complementary function of (15.57) is again

yc(x)=c 1 sinx+c 2 cosx.

We therefore assume a particular integral of the form

yp(x)=k 1 (x)sinx+k 2 (x)cosx,

and impose the additional constraints of (15.55), i.e.

k′ 1 (x)sinx+k 2 ′(x)cosx=0,
k′ 1 (x)cosx−k′ 2 (x)sinx=cosecx.

Solving these equations fork′ 1 (x)andk′ 2 (x)gives

k 1 ′(x)=cosxcosecx=cotx,
k 2 ′(x)=−sinxcosecx=− 1.

Hence, ignoring the constants of integration,k 1 (x)andk 2 (x) are given by

k 1 (x) = ln(sinx),
k 2 (x)=−x.

The general solution to the ODE (15.57) is therefore

y(x)=[c 1 +ln(sinx)]sinx+(c 2 −x)cosx,

which is identical to the solution found in subsection 15.2.3. Applying the boundary
conditionsy(0) =y(π/2) = 0 we findc 1 =c 2 =0andso

y(x) = ln(sinx)sinx−xcosx.

Solution method.If the complementary function of (15.53) is known then assume

a particular integral of the same form but with the constants replaced by functions

ofx. Impose the constraints in (15.55) and solve the resulting system of equations

for the unknownsk′ 1 (x),k 2 ′,...,k′n(x). Integrate these functions, setting constants of

integration equal to zero, to obtaink 1 (x),k 2 (x),...,kn(x)and hence the particular


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