where thednare a different set of coefficients. In each case, provided the basis
functions are linearly independent, the coefficients are unique.
We may also define aninner producton our function space by
f∗(x)g(x)ρ(x)dx, (17.6)
whereρ(x) is the weight function, which we require to be real and non-negative
in the intervala≤x≤b. As mentioned above,ρ(x) is often unity for allx.Two
functions are said to beorthogonal(with respect to the weight functionρ(x)) on
the interval [a, b]if
f∗(x)g(x)ρ(x)dx=0, (17.7)
and thenormof a function is defined as
‖f‖=〈f|f〉^1 /^2 =
] 1 / 2
|f(x)|^2 ρ(x)dx
] 1 / 2
. (17.8)
It is also common practice to define anormalisedfunction byfˆ=f/‖f‖,which
has unit norm.
An infinite-dimensional vector space of functions, for which an inner product
is defined, is called aHilbert space. Using the concept of the inner product, we
can choose a basis of linearly independent functionsφˆn(x),n=0, 1 , 2 ,...that are
orthonormal, i.e. such that
φˆ∗i(x)φˆj(x)ρ(x)dx=δij. (17.9)
Ifyn(x),n=0, 1 , 2 ,..., are a linearly independent, but not orthonormal, basis for
the Hilbert space then an orthonormal set of basis functionsφˆnmay be produced
(in a similar manner to that used in the construction of a set of orthogonal
eigenvectors of an Hermitian matrix; see chapter 8) by the following procedure:
φ 0 =y 0 ,
φ 1 =y 1 −φˆ 0 〈φˆ 0 |y 1 〉,
φ 2 =y 2 −φˆ 1 〈φˆ 1 |y 2 〉−φˆ 0 〈φˆ 0 |y 2 〉,
φn=yn−φˆn− 1 〈φˆn− 1 |yn〉−···−φˆ 0 〈φˆ 0 |yn〉,
It is straightforward to check that eachφnis orthogonal to all its predecessors
φi,i=0, 1 , 2 ,...,n−1. This method is calledGram–Schmidt orthogonalisation.
Clearly the functionsφnform an orthogonal set, but in general they do not have
unit norms.