Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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and hence thatJν(x)andJ−ν(x) are linearly dependent. So, in this case, we cannot

write the general solution to Bessel’s equation in the form (18.80). One therefore

defines the function



, (18.81)

which is called a Bessel function of thesecond kindof orderν(or, occasionally,

aWeberorNeumannfunction). As Bessel’s equation is linear,Yν(x) is clearly a

solution, since it is just the weighted sum of Bessel functions of the first kind.

Furthermore, for non-integerνit is clear thatYν(x) is linearly independent of

Jν(x). It may also be shown that the Wronskian ofJν(x)andYν(x) is non-zero

forallvalues ofν. HenceJν(x)andYν(x) always constitute a pair of independent


Ifnis an integer, show thatYn+1/ 2 (x)=(−1)n+1J−n− 1 / 2 (x).

From (18.81), we have

Yn+1/ 2 (x)=

Jn+1/ 2 (x)cos(n+^12 )π−J−n− 1 / 2 (x)
sin(n+^12 )π


Ifnis an integer, cos(n+^12 )π= 0 and sin(n+^12 )π=(−1)n, and so we immediately obtain
Yn+1/ 2 (x)=(−1)n+1J−n− 1 / 2 (x), as required.

The expression (18.81) becomes an indeterminate form 0/0whenνis an

integer, however. This is so because for integerνwe have cosνπ=(−1)νand

J−ν(x)=(−1)νJν(x). Nevertheless, this indeterminate form can be evaluated using

l’Hopital’s rule (see chapter 4). Therefore, for integerˆ ν,weset

Yν(x) = lim


, (18.82)

which gives a linearly independent second solution for this case. Thus, we may

write the general solution of Bessel’s equation, valid forallν,as

y(x)=c 1 Jν(x)+c 2 Yν(x). (18.83)

The functionsY 0 (x),Y 1 (x)andY 2 (x) are plotted in figure 18.6

Finally, we note that, in some applications, it is convenient to work with

complex linear combinations of Bessel functions of the first and second kinds

given by


these are called, respectively,Hankel functionsof the first and second kind of


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