other set of four operators with the same commutation structure would result
in the same eigenvalue spectrum. In fact, quantum mechanically, orbital angular
momentum is restricted to cases in whichnis even and sois an integer; this
is in accord with the requirement placed onif solutions to∇^2 ψ=f(r)thatare
finite on the polar axis are to be obtained. The non-classical notion of internal
angular momentum (spin) for a particle provides a set of operators that are able
to take both integral and half-integral multiples ofas their eigenvalues.
We have already seen that, for a state|, m〉that has az-component of
angular momentumm, the stateU|, m〉is one with itsz-component of angular
momentum equal to (m+1). But the new state ket vector so produced is not
necessarily normalised so as to make〈, m+1|, m+1〉= 1. We will conclude
this discussion of angular momentum by calculating the coefficientsμmandνmin
the equations
U|, m〉=μm|, m+1〉 and D|, m〉=νm|, m− 1 〉
on the basis that〈, r|, r〉= 1 for allandr.
To do so, we consider the inner productI=〈, m|DU|, m〉, evaluated in two
different ways. We have already noted thatUandDare Hermitian conjugates
and soIcanbewrittenas
I=〈, m|U†U|, m〉=μ∗m〈, m|, m〉μm=|μm|^2.
But, using equation (19.31), it can also be expressed as
I=〈, m|L^2 −L^2 z−Lz|, m〉
=〈, m|(+1)^2 −m^2 ^2 −m^2 |, m〉
=[(+1)^2 −m^2 ^2 −m^2 ]〈, m|, m〉
Thus we are required to have
|μm|^2 =[(+1)−m(m+1)]^2 ,
but can choose that allμmare real and non-negative (recall that|m|≤). A
similar calculation can be used to calculateνm. The results are summarised in the
U|, m〉=
(+1)−m(m+1)|, m+1〉, (19.34)
D|, m〉=
(+1)−m(m−1)|, m− 1 〉. (19.35)
It can easily be checked thatU|, 〉=|∅〉=D|,−〉.