Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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25 Applications of complex variables

In chapter 24, we developed the basic theory of the functions of a complex

variable,z=x+iy, studied their analyticity (differentiability) properties and

derived a number of results concerned with values of contour integrals in the

complex plane. In this current chapter we will show how some of those results

and properties can be exploited to tackle problems arising directly from physical

situations or from apparently unrelated parts of mathematics.

In the former category will be the use of the differential properties of the real

and imaginary parts of a function of a complex variable to solve problems involv-

ing Laplace’s equation in two dimensions, whilst an example of the latter might

be the summation of certain types of infinite series. Other applications, such as

the Bromwich inversion formula for Laplace transforms, appear as mathematical

problems that have their origins in physical applications; the Bromwich inversion

enables us to extract the spatial or temporal response of a system to an initial

input from the representation of that response in ‘frequency space’ – or, more

correctly, imaginary frequency space.

Other topics that will be considered are the location of the (complex) zeros of

a polynomial, the approximate evaluation of certain types of contour integrals

using the methods of steepest descent and stationary phase, and the so-called

‘phase-integral’ solutions to some differential equations. For each of these a brief

introduction is given at the start of the relevant section and to repeat them here

would be pointless. We will therefore move on to our first topic of complex


25.1 Complex potentials

Towards the end of section 24.2 of the previous chapter it was shown that the real

and the imaginary parts of an analytic function ofzare separately solutions of

Laplace’s equation in two dimensions. Analytic functions thus offer a possible way

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