Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering : A Comprehensive Guide

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polynomials, only the behaviour of a single term in the function need be con-

sidered if the contour is chosen appropriately. For example, for a polynomial,


0 biz

i, only the properties of its largest power, taken asf(z), need

be investigated if a circular contour is chosen with radiusRsufficiently large that,

on the contour, the magnitude of the largest power term,|bNRN|, is greater than

the sum of the magnitudes of all other terms. It is obvious thatf(z)=bNzNhas

Nzeros inside|z|=R(all at the origin); consequently,f+galso hasNzeros

inside the same circle.

The corresponding situation, in which only the properties of the polynomial’s

smallest power, again taken asf(z), need be investigated is a circular contour

with a radiusRchosen sufficientlysmallthat, on the contour, the magnitude of

the smallest power term (usually the constant term in a polynomial) is greater

than the sum of the magnitudes of all other terms. Then, a similar argument to

that given above shows that, sincef(z)=b 0 has no zeros inside|z|=R,neither


Aweakformofthemaximum-modulus theoremmay also be deduced. This

states that iff(z) is analytic within and on a simple closed contourCthen|f(z)|

attains its maximum value on the boundary ofC. The proof is as follows.

Let|f(z)|≤MonCwith equality at at least one point ofC. Now suppose

that there is a pointz=ainsideCsuch that|f(a)|>M. Then the function

h(z)≡f(a) is such that|h(z)|>|−f(z)|onC, and thus, by Rouche’s theorem, ́

h(z)andh(z)−f(z) have the same number of zeros insideC.Buth(z)(≡f(a))

has no zeros insideC, and, again by Rouch ́e’s theorem, this would imply that

f(a)−f(z) has no zeros inC. However,f(a)−f(z) clearly has a zero atz=a,

and so we have a contradiction; the assumption of the existence of a pointz=a

insideCsuch that|f(a)|>Mmust be invalid. This establishes the theorem.

The stronger form of the maximum-modulus theorem, which we do not prove,

states, in addition, that the maximum value off(z) is not attained at any interior

point except for the case wheref(z) is a constant.

Show that the four zeros ofh(z)=z^4 +z+1occur one in each quadrant of the Argand
diagram and that all four lie between the circles|z|=2/ 3 and|z|=3/ 2.

Puttingz=xandz=iyshows that no zeros occur on the real or imaginary axes. They
must therefore occur in conjugate pairs, as can be shown by taking the complex conjugate
Now takeCas the contourOXY Oshown in figure 25.5 and consider the changes
∆[argh] in the argument ofh(z)asztraversesC.

(i)OX:arghis everywhere zero, sincehis real, and thus ∆OX[argh]=0.
(ii)XY:z=Rexpiθandsoarghchanges by an amount

∆XY[argh]=∆XY[argz^4 ]+∆XY[arg(1 +z−^3 +z−^4 )]
=∆XY[argR^4 e^4 iθ]+∆XY


arg[1+O(R−^3 )]


=2π+O(R−^3 ). (25.22)
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