another, without reference to any coordinate system) and consider the matrix
containing its components as a representation of the tensor with respect to a
particular coordinate system. Moreover, the matrixT=[Tij], containing the
components of a second-order tensor, behaves in the same way under orthogonal
transformationsT′=LTLTas a linear operator.
However, not all linear operators are second-order tensors. More specifically,
the two subscripts in a second-order tensor must refer to the same coordinate
system. In particular, this means that any linear operator that transforms a vector
into a vector in a different vector space cannot be a second-order tensor. Thus,
although the elementsLijof the transformation matrix are written with two
subscripts, they cannot be the components of a tensor since the two subscripts
each refer to a different coordinate system.
As examples of sets of quantities that are readily shown to be second-order
tensors we consider the following.
(i)The outer product of two vectors.Letuiandvi,i=1, 2 ,3, be the components
of two vectorsuandv, and consider the set of quantitiesTijdefined by
Tij=uivj. (26.20)
The setTijare called the components of the theouter productofuandv. Under
rotations the componentsTijbecome
Tij′=ui′v′j=LikukLjlvl=LikLjlukvl=LikLjlTkl, (26.21)
which shows that they do transform as the components of a second-order tensor.
Use has been made in (26.21) of the fact thatuiandviare the components of
first-order tensors.
The outer product of two vectors is often denoted, without reference to any
coordinate system, as
T=u⊗v. (26.22)
(This is not to be confused with the vector product of two vectors, which is itself
a vector and is discussed in chapter 7.) The expression (26.22) gives the basis to
which the componentsTijof the second-order tensor refer: sinceu=uieiand
v=viei, we may write the tensorTas
T=uiei⊗vjej=uivjei⊗ej=Tijei⊗ej. (26.23)
Moreover, as for the case of first-order tensors (see equation (26.10)) we note
that the quantitiesTij′are the components of thesametensorT, but referred to
a different coordinate system, i.e.
These concepts can be extended to higher-order tensors.