Encyclopedia of African Religion

(Elliott) #1
Balanta 93

philosophy. When people come together in
family, they are bonded in one way or another. It
might be consanguine or it might be by experi-
ence and political connection. Thus, the Bakota
are said to be people who have tied themselves to
each other in a deeply spiritual and physical
sense. The wordkotameans to “bind.”
Quite clearly, the Bakota are a united and coher-
ent people, but what is the source of this unity? In
most cases, the patriarchy rules among the various
clans of Bakota, but in some cases, such as the
Mahongwe, which literally means “of the father,”
it appears that this group has really adopted a
matriarchal system of lineage. Therefore, one finds
a patriarchy that has to share space with matrilin-
eality among speakers of iKota. The fact that the
Mahongwe have adopted a matriarchal system of
descent lineage puts them in line with numerous
West African and Central African groups.
The Bakota suffered the same fate as other eth-
nic groups in Africa when European colonization
came and divided up members of their families.
Indeed, the Bakota are most densely populated in
Ogouee-Ivindo province in northeastern Gabon.
Their population can also be found in Congo-
Brazzaville and among the Batanga group, in
neighboring Cameroon. One of the facts of
Bakota life is that the people are conscious of their
numerous relations outside of Gabon; although
there are national boundaries, the communities
view themselves as closely connected despite such
political borders.
Known for their deeply spiritual beliefs, the
Bakota have produced some of the most signifi-
cant art in Africa. Their conception of ancestral or
guardian personalities has evoked some of the
more singularly spectacular sculpture of such fig-
ures. The work is usually done in copper or brass,
but may also be done in wood. These figures are
relics of the great ancestors or spirits of some dis-
tant force that protected the people during times
of trouble.
Among the most popular order of secrets
among the Bakota is the Bwete, which is usually
composed of men who have shown a special rela-
tionship to the society and culture by their ritual
and ceremonial purity. Given that the Bakota
practice circumcision and widow purification,
certain men and women are granted knowledge of
these secrets, whereas others are not.

Most authorities on Gabonese society believe that
the Kota are quite egalitarian as a community and
that openness on all matters of social and political
action, as well as work and responsibilities, fall
equally on all people and cross all lines of age,
occupation, and gender. It is only in the most secret
of secrets, such as circumcision and widow purifi-
cation, that there are special officiates.
The Bakota people value their customs, tradi-
tions, and ancient ancestors, and the children are
brought up to accept this way of celebrating unity
and community. They respect the elders; ritualize
all holy days related to birth, puberty, and death;
and believe that the highest moral ideal is found in
the concept of Ewele—that is, basically character,
pride of being.

Molefi Kete Asante

See alsoAncestors

Further Readings
Asante, M. K. (2007).The History of Africa. London:
Asante, M. K., & Nwadiora, E. (2006).Spear Masters:
An Introduction to African Religion. Lanham, MD:
Universities Press of America.
Mary, A.Le défi du syncrétisme:Le travail symbolique
de la religion d’Eboga,Gabon. Paris: Ecole des hautes
études en sciences sociales.


The Balanta people are found mainly in Guinea
Bissau, although they may be found in areas of
Senegal as well, particularly in the Casamance.
Their heartland is north of the Geba River, an area
rich in elephants, beeswax, and coveted hides. The
people are intelligent and dedicated agrarians,
growing lots of foods, including rice and peanuts.
In many ways, their religious ideas and cultural
ideas have been impacted by the historical, politi-
cal, and economic upheavals of the region.
Although the Balanta are found in the coastal
regions of West Africa, they are said to have
migrated from the East, possibly from the Nile
Valley region of East Africa. Their oral narratives
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