Encyclopedia of African Religion

(Elliott) #1

diviners, following certain rituals, and taking spe-
cial herbs, a person could become any animal or
person he or she wished to be after death.

Molefi Kete Asante

See alsoGod; Marriage

Further Readings

Asante, M. K. (2007).The History of Africa. London:
Davidson, B. (1966).African Kingdoms. New York:
Time Life.


Bats have been recognized as some of the most
mystical creatures and are so often misunder-
stood. Bats are the only existing flying mammals
and, over the course of their long history, have
been depicted with much negativity. Commonly,
in various media portrayals, they are said to be
evil. However, in Africa, bats have their sacred
place in the cycle of life. One can say that the mis-
sion of the bat cannot be replaced by any other
mammal no matter how close the similarities.
These social creatures are nocturnal and possess
the uncanny ability to move in darkness and rely
on sonar in their nose for perfect navigation. They
are also clairaudient: They have a keen sense of
hearing that also makes them unique.
Bats contribute to life because their consumption
of vegetation assists pollination and seed dispersal.
In Ghana, the straw-colored fox (a kind of bat), as
it is referred to, relies on the Iroko tree, one of
Africa’s leading agricultural products. This tree is
highly valued because of its strength and color.
Most bats are mainly fruitarians, but will eat
insects, birds, and even chicken. Their waste prod-
uct, “guano,” is one of their most interesting fea-
tures because it is used as a fertilizer. The African
fruit bats are also considered allies to many who
rely on the West African locust tree for suste-
nance. The locust tree is a survival food and offers
a source of calories and nutrients, especially dur-
ing times of drought or famine. The locust tree is

often used as firewood, shelter for livestock, and
shade and protection. A reliable resource, its
falling leaves nurture the soil, its bark and twigs
help with dental care, and it remains a source of
sustenance for bats.
Bats—particularly the mouse-tailed bat, native to
Egypt as long as 4,000 years ago—were commonly
found hanging out with mummies. During the
winter months, bats would hibernate in the pyra-
mids, eating and drinking every day, but moving
about less often than usual. Their acclimation to
the desert environment complements their ability to
live off their own fat deposits when food is scarce.
The hammer-headed fruit bat lived in the forest
of Gambia, Ethiopia, and Angola near swamps and
rivers, feasting on mangrove and palm trees. In
Central Africa, the fruit bat, orepailettebat, also lives
in forests or fields consuming ripened fruit and juices.
Another bat common to Africa is the yellow-
winged bat, also considered the “false vampire bat”
and one of the best looking of all the species. These
creatures are blue-gray or blue-brown with yellow
wings and ears. The female bat is the hunter,
whereas the father protects and feeds the offspring.
Yellow-winged bats mate for life and roost in aca-
cia trees, primarily in the flowers where they attract
insects for food. Another interesting feature of the
fruit bat is how they hide or nestle themselves
within pouches in their shoulders. These pouches
have glands that give off a strong odor, which is
absorbed and used as a female magnet. This is an
instrumental part of their mating process because
they are able to fill the air with their scent to attract
their female counterpart.
In Africa in earlier times, and later cross-
culturally, bats were a powerful symbol, repre-
senting the souls of the dead, initiation, rebirth,
happiness, and longevity. With respect to nature,
bats or totems represent time for transition or
transformation and letting go of the obstacles that
may hinder growth. They also reflect people’s
need to come face to face or soul to soul with their
true and higher selves. Bats are also symbolic of
new truth and imply great strength and stamina to
handle ordeals that may beset people as they open
to new awareness or consciousness. Bat medicine
teaches people to trust their instincts, open them-
selves to new beginnings, and demonstrate the
ability to embrace the promise and power that
comes from this awakening.

Bats 113
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