Encyclopedia of African Religion

(Elliott) #1


Th e Gaarea small ethnic groupcomprising a
po pul atio n of nearly700,000 peop le in the south
of themoderncountr y of Ghana. Therearesix
statesof the Ga peo ple:Accra,Nugua,La, Osu,
Tes hi, andTema. The originalGa kingdom of
Nkran gi ves the cityof Ac cra its name. In the early
par t of the 16thcen tury,the Ga Mantse,the titl e
of thekings,extendedthekin gdomaroundthe
present site of the city of Acc ra.
Homowo refers to “hootin g at hunger.” This
meansthathu ngercannotrulethe peo ple;in other
words, hu ngerhas no victimsamo ng the Ga
becausetheylau gh andhootat hunger.This fes tival
remembe rs a massivefaminethat nearlywip ed out
the people in the 17thcentury. Sin ce thatti me,the
Ga haveco me to realize howfortunatethe y we re to
surviveas a co herentandint act soci al group. Th ey
celebrate Ho mo woeach year to commemorate
theirsurvivalan d theirvict or y overhun ge r.
TheGa Mantseoverseesthe HomowoFestival,
bu t al l th e whilehe neverspeaksdirectly to any -
on e in public.Muchlikethe Akan, the Ga peop le
havea linguistwhospeaks for theGa Mantse.
Th is spokesperson, th e Otsame,carriesa dec o-
ratedstaffthatidentifi es himas the pe rso n wh o
speaksfor th e king.Indeed,the staf f has a coatof
armsthatshowsa deer standing on the backof an
elephantth at symboli zes thefactthatth e small
canexercise power ove r th e large.
TheGa expressthe samege neralcharacteristics
fou nd in otherAfrican societies. Theyrefer to

oth er humansas brothersand sist ersand are
taught to welcomestr an gersinto their homes.
AmongtheGa,respectfor theelderlyis at the
heartof the cultural customs.Thisis whythe use
of proverbs thatoriginatedwiththe ancestorsis a
majorpartof the Ga tradition. Theylovepoetry,
oralperformance,andoratory.TheGa saythat
on e daythere was a massiveexodus of people
fromthe sea to the landandtheylookedlikeants,
thu s the namegaga, andthe Ga believethatthey
represen t thesepeople.
The Gabelieve thatal l th in gs ha ve spirits.
Theysay tha t the Almigh ty Dei ty, Nyomo,cre -
ated all spiritsandpl acedth em in humans,tre es,
mountains,andrivers. Whenth e spirits want to
communicatewithhum ans , theyenlisttheser -
vicesof prie sts,priestes ses,an d oracles thatare
referred to as Dzema Wagi n. Th e highpr iestsof
the religion are cal ledwulomo , and the y are
chosento demonstra te car e andser viceto the
ancestorsandthe people. Thewulomo pra ctic e
herbalmedicine,rit ualcer em on ies to mai ntain
balancein the society,andser ve as consultants
to the Ga Mantse.
The Gaare fam ousfor funerals. They are
sk il led craftpersons whomakecoffins acc ording
to th e desires andneedsof thefamilies.Their
bel ief is thatwhena pe rsondies,he or she moves
to another realmand should take his or her
fav oriteobj ec ts withhim or herto thene w
realm.Thus , if oneis a pilot,he mightwa nt to
havea coff in thatis an airplane. A taxidri ver
maywantto be bu riedin a taxi.A personcould
have a personality tr aithighlighted, such as



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