Encyclopedia of African Religion

(Elliott) #1

Nana Esi Ketewaa is a deified female ancestor
originally from the Akuapem region of Ghana. It
is said that she became pregnant in her old age
and died during childbirth. As an obosom, she
functions as a protector of children and fertility.
Women often seek her protection during preg-
nancy and delivery and after childbirth.
Nana Adade Kofi is a male warrior obosom of
strength and perseverance and is from the Guan
area of Ghana. He is said to be the youngest of
Nana Akonnedi’s children. He is the obosom asso-
ciated with iron and metals, and his sword is often
used to swear oaths of allegiance.
Tegare is the general name for a pantheon of
abosom from the Northern region of Ghana.
Popular throughout Ghana, Tegare lives in the
forest and is a hunter who seeks truth and exposes
liars, thieves, and evildoers.
Mmoetia is a system of abosom who are most
often recognized as “dwarfs” whose feet turn
backward. They live throughout Ghana in the
forests and are highly skilled in the use of herbs.
Considered the great spiritual gatekeepers of the
Akan tradition, they specialize in working with
nature spirits for the purposes of healing.

Yaba Amgborale Blay

See alsoAkan; Nyame; Orisha

Further Readings

Opoku, K. A. (1978).West African Traditional Religion.
Accra: FEP International Private Limited.
Opokuwaa, N. A. K. (2005).The Quest for Spiritual
Transformation: Introduction to Traditional Akan
Religion, Rituals and Practices. New York: iUniverse.


Abukis the name of the first woman in the world
according to the Dinka people of Southern Sudan.
The Dinka believe that the Creator made Abuk
and Garang, the first man, out of the rich clay of
Sudan. Once Abuk and Garang were created, they
were placed in a huge pot; when the Creator
opened the pot, the man and woman were fully
formed as good-looking beings, except that the

woman was small, much smaller than the Creator
thought good. Therefore, Abuk was placed in a
container full of water. She was left there for
a time, and then when she had swelled up like a
sponge to the size of a regular human being, the
Creator was pleased.
However, Abuk and Garang were given only
one grain a day for food, and they were always
hungry. Soon Abuk used her intelligence and clev-
erness to make the one grain a day into a paste to
make it last longer. She also decided that she
would take one grain on alternate days and save it
so that she could plant grain. She did this, and her
work became the source of all grain.
Although this is a historical myth with real
power in the explanation of the origin of Dinka
society, the idea is also current in the lives of the
people. In fact, the Dinka represent Abuk by a
snake. Her favorite animal is a small snake, and
her representation by a snake speaks to the con-
cept of coolness and intelligence that is associated
with women in many African cultures. Abuk is
important in the Dinka culture, so much so that
she has the responsibility to look after all women
and children, fertility, the growth of trees, plants,
and the productivity of the harvest. In addition,
the supply of water is the responsibility of Abuk;
hence, women are known as the keepers of the
water. They go to the rivers for water and are
responsible for making certain that the family has
a good supply of water. Garang is placed in charge
of everything else.
Of course, with so many responsibilities, Abuk
was certain to run afoul of something in carrying
out her responsibilities. She decided that she
wanted to plant more crops in order to have more
food to eat. Thus, she and Garang planted more
grain and tried to be careful so that they would
not harm the earth or create problems with the
Creator who lived in the heavens. When Abuk
took a long-handled hoe that reached to the heav-
ens and began digging in the Earth, the handle of
the hoe accidentally struck the Creator.
At that time, the Creator withdrew from the
Earth because of the offense and sent a small blue-
colored bird called atoc to cut the rope that
humans had used to climb up to the sky. The
Creator then left the ordinary lives of humans
because the world had been spoiled by the actions
of women and men. Everything has changed.

Abuk 5
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