Encyclopedia of African Religion

(Elliott) #1

January 20, 1758, but not without drama.
Although he had only one wrist, he is said to have
broken free at the stake, but was captured and
retied and burned. Selected enslaved Africans were
brought from all around the colony to witness
Makandal’s death so as to deter future black rebel-
lions. The enslaved Africans, however, believed
that Makandal did not die in the fire, but rather
turned into a fly and flew away as he is alleged to
have promised. He also promised to return to win
freedom for the Africans still held in bondage.
Even after his death or disappearance, the legend
of Makandal continued to impact the lives and activi-
ties of many enslaved Africans. Another Hougan,
Boukman, in particular, continued the work of
Makandal. He incited the uprising that eventually led
to the Haitian revolution, in which Vodou played a
significant and successful part. Interestingly, another
weapon for the blacks was the malaria- and yellow
fever-carrying mosquitoes. It is estimated that thou-
sands of French and British soldiers either died or
suffered from malaria and yellow fever. Remembering
Makandal’s last words, the enslaved Africans saw
the mosquitoes as a fulfillment of his promise.

David Amponsah

SeealsoVodou in Haiti

Further Readings

Davis, M. (2003).Makandal:The Greatest Unknown
Story in History[Online]. Available at
Fick, C. E. (1990).The Making of Haiti:The Saint
Domingue Revolution From Below. Knoxville:
University of Tennessee Press.
Weaver, K. K. (2006).Medical Revolutionaries:The
Enslaved Healers of Eighteenth-Century Saint-
Domingue. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.


The termMamborefers to a high priestess of the
Vodu religion as it is practiced in the Republic
of Haiti in the Eastern Caribbean. Along with
Houngans, their male counterparts, Mambos thus
occupy the highest position in the Vodu hierarchy,

at least as far as humans are concerned. This entry
looks at the initiation process, the role of the
mambo, and her worship community.

Initiation Rites
How does one become a Mambo? This happens
often through blood lineage, that is, as a spiritual
family inheritance and charge passed from a
mother or father to their daughter. However, one
may also become a Mambo as result of having
been called—that is, chosen by aLwa, a Vodu
divinity, to serve him or her. The Lwa typically
makes his or her wish known through divination,
recurrent dreams, or a series of misfortunes that
are later interpreted as a spiritual call.
Vodu, like all other African religious traditions,
is an initiatory religion. Thus, to become a Mambo,
one must undergo initiation. In addition to the
period of isolation and seclusion typical of African
initiation, and known as Kouche Kanzo, initiation
into the Vodu priesthood includes, most significantly,
a “visit” to Papa Loko, the patron of Mambos and
Houngans. It is indeed from Papa Loko that
Mambos (and Houngans) receive their Ason,a
sacred beaded calabash used as a rattle and as the
mark of the priesthood. When they take possession
of their ason, the women become known by the
full title of Mambos Asongwe. These are the only
true Vodu priestesses. Mambos and Houngans also
receive from Papa Loko a spiritual name, which
they will use to identify themselves while in the
company of their spiritual brothers and sisters, that
is, other Houngans and Mambos.
Initiation into the priesthood is always an
expensive proposition, and many may have to
delay it until they have raised the necessary
funds. Indeed, many sacrifices will have to be
made and numerous items will have to be pur-
chased; for example, the Lwa’s favorite food
and drinks to be presented to them during the
initiation rituals; food and drinks for the visi-
tors and other participants; and special clothes
for the different ceremonies, which must be
sewn. The drummers, who will be playing for
several nights in a row, until sunrise, will also
have to be paid. Until one is financially ready,
they may undergo the first part of the initiation
known asLave tèt(“the washing of the head”),
a ceremony during which one’s hair will be

402 Mambo

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