Encyclopedia of African Religion

(Elliott) #1


Sacrifi ce is a universalphenomenon. In a general
andsecularsense,sacrifice maybedefinedas the
“givingup”of a thingforth e sakeof anotherthat
is higher or moreurgent. It mayal so refer to that
whichis givenupfora cause orforsomething
else.Sacrificeplaysanimportant partin therel i-
giousce remoniesof Africans.

PurposeandSignificanceof Sacrifice

Most of thetime,sacrificeis forthepurpose of
maintainingor restoring a rightrelationship of
hu ma n beingsto thesacredorder. Ge nerally, the
pu rposeof a particular typeof sacrificein Africa
is revealedby its name,as will be se en ne xt.In sev-
er al Africansocieties,sacrificeconstitu te s oneof
thecommonestactsof worship.In fac t, virtually
formof sacrificeor another.

Typesof Sacrifice

PropitiatorySacr ifice

Thissacrificeis of tenprescribedbya diviner.
Th e YorubacallitEbö ètùtù. In th is sacrifice, the
offeringbelongsentirelyto thedeity;thesacrifice
is nevershared, butburnt or buried.It is pe r-
formedduringa cri sisli keanep idemic,famine,
drought,orserious ill ness. Th is sacrificeis al so
madewhena worshipperviolatesa prohibition.
Forexample,amongtheAkans,if a manindulges

in sexualintercoursein thebush,As ase Yaa, the
Earthgoddess,hasto bepropitiated.Amongthe
MendesofSierraLeo ne,sexual intercoursein
thebushis alsore garded as a violation ofMaa-nsoo ,
theEar thgoddess.On such occasions, sacrifice
shouldbeofferedat thesacredgroves to propiti-
atetheEarth motherandtheancestors.

Thissacrificeis prescribedas a precautionary
measureto prevent dangeror disaster. Forexam -
pl e, whena particularcommunitylearnsthatan
epidemic is ragingin a nearbyvillage,it mayoffer
thissacrificeto preventthescourgefromentering
the vil lage.Among the Yo ruba,the preventive
sacrifice is knownas Ogunkoja , “that which
rawmeat,andrawfo odareoftenplacedat the
entrance of thetownorvillageto wardoff evil
is sl ainandofferedto thedeitymaybeburiedor
exposedat theentranceto thetown, village, or
ho use.


The substitutio nary sacrificehasanelementof
propitiationandprevention.It is offeredin placeof
the person who might havesuffered some kind
of misfortune.It mayals o be offeredto avertdanger
ormisfortuneth at mightbefallsomeone.Among
theYoruba,usuallya sheepis usedas a substitute
forthehumanbeing.Thesheepis rubbedagainst



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